The Average Cost of Outsourcing Digital Marketing Tasks

digital marketers

Digital marketing encompasses many tasks, most of them difficult, time-consuming, and often prone to error. For these reasons, it wouldn’t make sense for a company to handle all digital marketing tasks internally, especially in small businesses.

Whether your business is small or large, outsourcing digital marketing tasks can lead to increased efficiency and marketing efficacy—which can ultimately help pave the path to success. That said, here are some of the best digital marketing tasks to outsource and, more importantly, how much it will cost to hire someone else to do it.

  1. Lead generation

Lead generation is perhaps one of the most tedious out of all marketing tasks. It can take a lot of time to find a good lead, especially if you have a limited network, leading to slow uptake of new clients. Fortunately, you can outsource this task to either an agency or a freelancer—whichever fits your budget and needs the best.

How much it will cost: The price of each lead can range between $0.50 to $50, depending on the quality of the lead. On a per month basis, the cost can be from $2,000 to $20,000, depending on the agency or freelancer’s rate. In general, the higher quality the lead is (or the more niche your market is), the higher the cost per lead.

  1. Content writing

Producing content for a business blog is another digital marketing task that takes a lot of time. Your in-house marketing team may not have the time to create content on their own (unless you hire a content writer for this specific purpose), or even if they do, they may not be able to create the type of content you need if they are not professional writers. If this is the case, outsourcing to a content writer may be a good move.

How much it will cost: The cost of content writing varies widely. Some writers charge per word, while some charge per hour. Like lead generation, the price you pay for content writing will depend heavily on the quality of work you expect.

To give you an idea, the cost of outsourcing content writing is around $0.03 to $0.30 per word. On average, a 1000-word article will cost around $10 to $15, but others may charge more, especially with highly skilled writers.

  1. Social media management

Managing a positive online presence is imperative to building a great brand reputation. For this reason, hiring someone to manage all of your social media platforms is highly advisable. If your current marketing team cannot handle this relatively simple yet time-consuming task, it will make much more sense to outsource.

How much it will cost: You can hire a freelancer or a digital marketing agency to manage all of your social media accounts. Some charge per hour, while others charge a fixed rate per month. Of course, the price varies, but the most common range is between $200 and $2,000 per month. If your company is larger, you can expect to pay more.

  1. Visual content creation

Digital marketing heavily relies on visual content. Visual content is, after all, what captures audiences’ attention and holds it long enough to get your message across. This is one of the primary reasons why visual content creation is one of the most outsourced digital marketing tasks, especially for small to medium-sized organizations.

How much it will cost: Hiring a freelance graphic designer is often the best choice for outsourcing visual content creation. The cost will depend on the designer’s level of experience, skills, and specific areas of expertise—as well as creativity, of course.

Beginners typically charge between $25 to $50 an hour. More experienced ones charge around $65 to $150. For the experts, hourly rates usually start around $300.

  1. Ad creation

If you don’t have a robust marketing team yet, consider hiring someone that has the expertise to create ads on Google Adwords, Facebook, and other platforms for you. Whether they are an agency or a freelancer, outsourcing can save you a lot of time and money, as well as increase the efficacy of your marketing campaigns.

How much it will cost: The cost of outsourcing ad creation and management can be anywhere from $250 to $5,000 a month (or more), depending on your marketing goals, your campaigns, and the size of your company, among other factors.

Outsourcing these digital marketing tasks offers many benefits, including added expertise, lower operational costs, and increased efficiency, among many others. If you plan to start outsourcing, these are the costs you can expect to pay, on average.

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