Building Blocks for Establishing a Personal Brand

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Personal branding is simply the process of promoting and spreading the word about a person. This is crucial for businesses that are contingent on a single personality or individual—like a life coaching business or even a products line by a celebrity or an influencer. Even those who are not in the business world will benefit significantly from improving their personal branding. Come to think of it: We are all presenting a “persona” of sorts to the world since the majority of us have some sort of social media presence in one way or another.

A personal brand is crucial for entrepreneurs who are the faces of their products or service. So talk to your trusty digital marketing agency, identify how you want to present yourself to the world, and get ready to take it on. Here are some pointers for building and growing your personal brand this year.

Identify your niche and what sets you apart

Because the majority of businesses have a presence on social media and have mastered the art of branding, we need to come up with new ways to keep our own brands distinct and unique from others. For this reason, before you even start writing captions and planning content, you need to first do the following:

  • Make a clear definition of your brand, goals, and mission. Take time to search your soul and identify the keywords that make up your personal branding. Are you innovative? Pioneering? Trustworthy? The more precise the words, the more likely you can adequately convey your culture, persona, and outlook. Avoid ambiguity as much as possible.
  • Next, you need to understand the goals of your brand. What are the first few things you want to accomplish? Do you want to gain media mileage, attract your clients, grow your sales, or be known as a leader or expert in your industry? Make sure you know what you’re trying to achieve with your personal brand before taking some big steps.
  • What is your niche? What can you offer that your competitors or those that have come before you can’t? For a personal brand to truly stand out in any industry, it needs to say something new, not just a regurgitation of what is already out there and what other thought leaders or influencers are already saying or have already said.

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Be a thought leader

Speaking of thought leaders, you must aim to become someone who commands a certain level of respect in your industry. If you’ve heard of the Instagram influencer with 2 million followers who couldn’t sell thirty-six shirts, then you know that influencer marketing is always evolving. Audiences may follow these people on social media, but they won’t necessarily listen to them. So if you want to be more than just the dime a dozen influencer or internet-famous person, then you need to be able to do the following:

  • Make sure you have the credentials to back up what you’re saying. Many influencers in the skincare realm, for example, are honest about the fact that they are just skincare enthusiasts and that they’re not necessarily dermatologists or estheticians. If you want to be taken seriously in the field you’re trying to make a mark in, make sure you have the credentials. Take a course under a respected teacher or mentor, get a bachelor’s degree or other types of certifications, get licensed. While formal credentials are not a requirement to make a mark, they can certainly help build up your credibility as someone worth listening to.
  • Provide value and meaning to your audience. Once again, what are you saying that they can’t already find on Google? Provide them with relevant and helpful life tips and information—a taste of what your paid services or products can give them. Let it seep through your content, and make sure it’s content that is shareable.

Get feedback from people who know you best

Another crucial part of building a successful personal brand is authenticity. To achieve this, get some honest feedback from people who know you best and believe in your vision. Ask if the way you are presenting your personal brand is true to who you are, your areas of improvement, and how you can connect with your audiences better.

You have all the tools in the world to be of service to others, and a personal brand is just a tool to achieve that. Consult with specialists to know the best type of branding for you and reach your goals faster than you planned.

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