5 Ways To Make Your Website Spark Joy

website designing

You’ve hired so many web designers and developers to make you a website, but you leave disappointed every time. You’ve read so many lessons about web design and development. But, you just can’t seem to make the perfect website for your business.

A well-designed and developed website should pull visitors in and let them out well-informed and converted. However, creating such a website can be difficult, especially if you don’t know anything about designing or developing websites.

Maybe all you need is to make it spark joy.

Now, you’re thinking, “Marie Kondo is a lifestyle guru. What does she know about web design?” Her iconic KonMari method of tidying up can teach you a thing or two about creating an effective website. Here’s how.

Make your ideal website the goal

Akin to the KonMari method, you need to commit yourself to creating the ideal website. What would it look like? What do you need it to do?

Identifying what you want and what you need for your website allows you to properly gauge what needs to be done, from the workflow to the visual elements.

Plan and sketch your website in mind to visualize the framework, the content, and the elements involved in the design. Indicate in it how you would like each part of the website to interact with each other. Most importantly, make it responsive regardless of the medium.

Discard any unnecessary elements

In line with the KonMari method, you should finish discarding first. Whether you’re planning to start from scratch or you’re just redesigning your website’s user experience, you should remove any unneeded details scattered on your website or plan. From ineffective photos to vestigial web pages, declutter your website from unnecessary elements.

In terms of layout, you don’t have to fill up every space. Proper use of negative space allows your web content to have a breathing room, letting visitors focus on your content. It also presents a clean, visually appealing look.

Design and develop according to category

When you develop your website, instead of doing it one page at a time, do it according to category. Marie Kondo stresses the importance of following the right order, as well. Once everything’s in place for one category, move on to the next one, and so on. Your website won’t get bogged down by glitches if you do it step by step.

Start with the website’s framework, including all the web pages you need. Then, add the navigational links and tools to each page. From there, it’s just building from the ground up. Create a grid, choose your typefaces, and pick your desired colors. Then, add your metadata, headers, and content. Afterward, refine the design by adding extra elements and finishing touches.

Make sure it reads how you want it to be read

website design

Typographical hierarchy lets your content be readable the way it’s supposed to be. Typically, there are three levels of typography. Level One is your Heading 1–the headline. It’s the most visible text which catches the readers’ eyes. Level Two is your subheads, which will group your content into sections. Level Three contains your content.

See how everything’s in order according to category? That’s how your content should be read.

Ask yourself if it sparks joy

After finishing your website’s creation, evaluate it. Check how readable it is on every platform. Explore the website and see if the navigational links lead you where you’re supposed to go. Assess whether the design is easy on the eyes. Is it a design that keeps Denver PPC visitors captured? Will it pull you in? Most importantly, ask yourself: Does it spark joy?

When your website’s user experience sparks joy in you and your visitors, that’s when you’ll know you’ve done good. Who would’ve thought you can use the KonMari method in developing your website?

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