Daily Eye Care: 9 Ways to Protect and Care for Your Eyes

man geeting his eyes check through an optical machine

We could not emphasize more how important one’s vision is. And by vision, we mean your eyesight. It allows us to connect and interact with our surroundings and keeps us physically safe.

Your body’s most developed sensory organs are your eyes. The truth is, a much larger chunk of the brain is dedicated to the eyes compared to all the other senses combined. This is why when someone is visually impaired, visual impairment aids in the UK, the United States, or anywhere in the world are made available.

It is hard to go through life without our sense of vision. For this reason, we are supposed to take good care of our eyesight if we want to make the most out of life.

9 Things You Can Do Daily to Care for Your Eyes


1. Do not rub them.

Your hands are exposed to tons of bacteria and germs that could easily be transferred to your eyes when you rub or touch them.

2. Wash your hands as frequently as you can.

Since your hands are bacteria-and-germ carriers, make sure you wash them as frequently as you can to avoid transference to your eyes that could lead to irritation and infection.

3. Protect them from the sun’s harmful rays.

Always wear sunglasses whenever you go outdoors, especially if you intend to stay outdoors for a lengthy period. If you are not accustomed to wearing sunnies, UV-protected glasses or contact lenses will do.

4. Keep yourself hydrated always.

Prevent your eyes from getting dry and irritated by keeping yourself well-hydrated at all times. Having a sufficient fluid intake is beneficial to your overall health, including your eyes’ health.

5. Avoid smoking.

Smoking leaves you at a greater risk of age-related macular degeneration, cataract, and other eye conditions. It also damages your optic nerves which will affect your vision in the long run.

6. Maintain a healthy and balanced diet.

Proper diet can lead to better eye health especially if your diet consists of a sufficient amount of vitamins C, A, and E, lutein, beta-carotene, Omega-3, and lycopene which are all good for your eyesight.

7. Observe proper distance from your monitor and ensure there is sufficient lighting.

When using the computer, make sure your monitor is at least an arm’s length away and about 20-degrees below your eye level. Having sufficient but diffused lighting is also good for the eyes. These help to avoid straining your eyes.

8. Follow the 20-20-20 Rule.

When you are working on your computer or laptop, make sure to take a break every 20 minutes and look at an object that’s about 20 feet away from you. Blink successively for 20 times to prevent your eyes from drying up.

Stand up every 20 minutes and take 20 steps across the room. This not only helps minimize eye strain but it also helps circulate blood around your body and keep you from being sedentary.

9. Protect your eyes by wearing the appropriate safety gear for different activities.

students wearing protective glasses in the laboratory

No matter what your activity is, make sure to wear the proper eye protection gear. If you’re going swimming or skiing, wear goggles. If you are gardening or working on woodwork, wear protective glasses. This way, you are preventing unwanted particles and bacteria in your eyes.

Keeping your eyes safe and healthy should be one of your top priorities in your healthcare routine. Eye problems can be easily avoided if you maintain proper daily eye care habits. These small things make a whole world of difference.

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