5 Ways to Attract More Customers for Your Business

Business team in discussion

Having a business is very rewarding, but it can get tough in these very competitive times. In Australia, 17% of unsuccessful small businesses admitted that they didn’t do enough research and marketing, resulting in fewer sales. This is why it’s essential to build a strong customer base and keep attracting new clients. But how?

Improve your website

Studies show that visitors only have 15 seconds of attention span before forming a strong impression. As such, you need to make sure that you give them a smooth experience with your website.

Your website also needs to be found. For this, you need the right SEO strategy. In Australia, such cities as Adelaide have many SEO services and marketing companies that can help you become more visible online.

Start with your existing customers

Your customers are perhaps your best source for more prospects. They are at the position of giving unbiased reviews to others about your services or products, so be sure to have a retention strategy. Happy clients will be more than willing to refer you to their friends and associates, giving you more leads.

Having real reviews from clients will help you boost your image and reputation. Make sure to let your customers leave honest reviews on your website or pages. For referrals, you can even ask them directly instead of waiting around. Simply mention that you’re looking for new clients and would like to know if they know anyone looking for your type of service.

Join networking events or meetups

Meetups, conferences, trade shows, and networking events are a great way to mingle with different people in the industry and community. These people can become your new leads. You’ll also be able to communicate and build relationships with other professionals who can direct new clients down your way in the future.

Get known

You and your business need to be distinguishable among the many other companies in your industry. You need to establish a professional image by getting you and your company out there. Write articles, blogs, guides, e-books, and books and publish them where you think prospects can find you.

Another great way of building your reputation is by creating presentations and conducting online courses. The learners might turn out to be your leads. Giving talks at conferences and forums will also let you showcase your expertise. This might not be for everyone, but if you’re comfortable with speaking in front of an audience, then you should give this a try.

Lastly, don’t neglect your social media pages. Always be ready to help or give advice to clients or visitors. Don’t just limit yourself to Facebook and Twitter, either, as such platforms as LinkedIn and Quora are great channels to showcase your professional knowledge.

Follow up and keep in touch

Two business owners managing business website

Often, leads might turn out to lead nowhere at all. Many business owners give up after hearing a “no” from a prospect. Bear in mind that a sale doesn’t always happen on the first or second try. Sometimes, it can take multiple attempts. This is why you need to have an efficient “follow-up” system with your leads. Don’t badger them every few days or so. Use a personal approach and check in on them after an agreed period.

You should also do this with your business contacts. Lives, businesses, and careers can change, and the relationships you’ve built with other professionals could lead you to new things. Be open to communicating with your contacts, especially if you’ve lost touch after a while.

Growing your business takes time and a lot of effort. One way to make sure you continue the path to growth is to have a strong and growing customer base. Doing these things will help you forge a stable future for your company.

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