The Importance of Workflow Automation and User Onboarding in Today’s Work-From-Home Era

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With many countries in the world under strict stay-at-home orders, many companies have implemented a work-from-home policy to maintain productivity and keep earning revenue. But even before the pandemic, many businesses have already been operating as a “remote company.” They have hired staff from various places, locally and internationally.

The remote work era has prompted the development of workflow automation and client onboarding software. According to an analysis by McKinsey, 45% of 2,000 work activities across 800 jobs can be automated, such as processing sales, demonstrating products, and answering product inquiries. New client onboarding software programs, on the other hand, focus on optimizing the customer experience. These programs can remotely curate a brand’s product more extensively, provide entertainment, and interact with customers more personally, resulting in consistent satisfaction and loyalty.

That said, let’s explore more about these automation tools and how they help in today’s era of working from home.

The Greatest Potentials of Workflow Automation

McKinsey’s analysis also found that 60% of occupations can save up to 30% of their time, as workflow automation can facilitate in the review and approval of paperwork, monitoring sales, and processing documents. Twenty percent of a CEO’s tasks, including reviewing reports, delegating assignments, and analyzing operational data, can also be automated.

On the other hand, automation is only applicable to 4% of common workplace activities that involve human creativity and 29% of those that require sense and response to emotion. In a way, workflow automation allows for more creativity in the workplace since it replaces administrative tasks with ones that require innovation and emotion.

Overall, workflow automation can free 20% to 30% of daily tasks, boosting employees’ and the entire company’s performance.

using laptop

Automated Workflow Mechanics

Workflow automation software employs independent technology instead of human supervision to manage employees. This is beneficial for remote employees because they can have more freedom to control their days. Managers and business owners don’t need to worry, though, because they can track their employees’ productivity through the user interface that displays their workers’ accomplishments for the day.

With automated workflow, communication is optimized through instant messaging and video call features. Employees can also share and edit documents through the software. Time differences won’t be an issue because the software automatically converts the headquarter’s time to an international employee’s local time, enabling timely submission of projects.

Perks of Client Onboarding

Client onboarding increases retention because when clients see how a certain premium product works and makes their lives easier, they’ll be more encouraged to stay loyal to the product. But apart from giving an impressive product demo, a client onboarding software provides an in-depth guide, which of course, also increases the chances of purchase of more products, resulting in higher conversion rates and revenue for the company.

Customer lifetime value will also grow, especially if your software has delivered a spectacular performance in demonstrating your products. The way you present your products is your company’s voice, so the more your customers feel hooked to it, the more loyal you can make them become. Also, they may encourage their peers to buy from you.

With automated workflow and client onboarding software, business owners don’t need to be in the same location with their employees and customers to conduct business and make a profit. This optimizes remote work and proves that people from all over the world can work together for a common goal even if they’re miles and oceans apart.

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