Don’t Sell Your Jewelries Just Yet


If you’re seconds away from selling your old jewelry, stop right there. Unless you need to do so for financial reasons, try to read this article first before you decide whether or not you should go to the nearest buyer to make money out of your gold.

Often, people sell their belongings when they need to make way for extra space in their homes. Another reason is when the items no longer fully serve their function. For jewelry owners, seeing the marks of time usually discourages them from keeping the jewelry. If you think finding a solution to the lack of shine is close to impossible, it’s best to try availing the services of professional jewelry retouchers first before you claim that your trinkets are way past their glory days.

Be patient. Keeping your jewelry, for now, will give you greater rewards in the future for the following reasons:

1. Your jewelry carries history.

This is not only true with the jewelry you inherited from your mother. Wherever it came from, and whoever purchased it, are also part of its history. It could be a gift from your father on your 16th birthday or the first item you bought out of your paycheck. Add the events that transpired whenever you wore it. You will remember it being the necklace you had on your neck during your best friend’s wedding and the same necklace you had on during your first date with your partner. Eventually, as you age, you will find the need for items that hold sentimental value—for remembrance.

Every jewelry has a story. The history embodied in that item is priceless.


2. Your jewelry’s price will appreciate over time.

Your jewelry is not only meant for decoration. It can be one of the best assets that you have in your possession. In times of emergency, you can pawn it or sell it. However, if you intend to let go of your belongings, you might need to ponder first.

The value of gold constantly changes, more so than the stock market. If your mind is made up, and you truly want to sell them all, wait first for the price of gold to skyrocket. There are years when the value of gold is higher than in the other years. Remember: weakness in the dollar means a higher gold price.

3. Your jewelry can be passed down to your children in the future.

There was a time when jewelry was the measure of wealth. Every family had a set of jewelry that was passed down to the next generation. From a logical standpoint, it was a way of passing down a certain amount of money; only it didn’t come in cash. From a sentimental perspective, it was a way to continue the family line. Whichever is more agreeable to you, it’s important to note that the cost of jewelry nowadays is pretty high. Most probably, it would be the least of your children’s priorities. It is comforting to know that they have a real set of jewelry to wear for special occasions.

Recently, people have been opting for fashion accessories instead of real jewelry. The rise of fast fashion continues to affect people’s preference for trendy accessories. The idea of cheaper option runs well with the constantly changing trends. It also matches with the millennial market’s financial capabilities. Although there is a percentage of millennial women who reward themselves by purchasing gold, there is still a high percentage of millennials whose idea of investment does not involve gold in any way. Owning one is rare. Shine with it.

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