Debunking Myths About Starting a Private Practice amid COVID-19

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Owning a private practice business includes many beneficial perks. Any thriving practitioner would consider it as a benchmark for success.

However, starting a business was a challenge even before the pandemic. Thus, many have become more hesitant and concerned about taking the risk, including those in the medical, therapy, and healthcare fields, as the world faces the coronavirus outbreak’s challenges. Some of those concerns are myths.

Myth 1: Telehealth is unviable

According to the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), telehealth uses communication devices to provide and deliver health care services and other health-related information, including, but not limited to, physical–therapy-related information and services over large and small distances.

Ironically, modern healthcare services receive clients digitally when their profession concerns bodily conditions. Thus, it is a legitimate concern whether telehealth is a viable medium to consult and rehabilitate patients and whether clinics can pragmatically meet and respond to their needs.

Surprisingly, according to numerous studies, telehealth is a valid and tested method that our health care system can safely use.

A study published in the Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Journal aims to evaluate telehealth implementation, particularly in the physical therapy field, during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Rehabilitation disciplines prefer the terms “telerehabilitation” and “telepractice” depending on their respective specialty. Out of the 3,883 physical therapy sessions conducted through telehealth, over ninety-four percent of patients were satisfied with their results. Findings suggest that physiotherapists adapted to the current situation competently; thus, the stigma that telehealth is second-class care is debunked easily by previous research.

Moreover, APTA also embraces telehealth for patients with a difficult time attending their appointments. The future for numerous health care services, and other private medical practices, is now made more evident with telehealth to provide necessary needs, consultation, and other medical concerns to their patients from the safety and convenience of their homes.

Myth 2: Employment challenges are too difficult to justify

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While it is true that health care clinics that stayed open during the early part of the pandemic had fewer customers, it was not an entire end-game for all as signs of progress started to bud by July 2020.

Despite the initial difficulty, those in the medical field rose to the challenge as they became the country’s first line of defense. And as therapists, clinicians, and other medical practitioners adjust to the new normal, those numbers will continue their upward trend.

In the same study, twenty-nine percent of therapists working today experienced an increase in career pride than the seventeen percent who felt it declined. The rest felt the pandemic did not affect their satisfaction in their career.

Despite the numerous health concerns for both practitioners and patients, APTA continues to lead research addressing these issues, thus assuring safety and improvement for everyone concerned.

Myth 3: Starting a private practice business during a pandemic is risky

Starting any business is inherently a risky venture anyone could take. However, according to Forbes, if there ever was a suitable time to plant your entrepreneurial roots, it’s during a pandemic. The healing arts will always remain an essential service. Patients who suffer painful complications caused by their physical conditions need therapy to live comfortably. Therapy is also a necessary process to recover from surgery or any severe injury.

Thus, now more than ever, physiotherapists should adapt to meet the needs of their patients. Starting your own therapy business is a daunting task. There are numerous factors to consider, such as choosing the right location for your start-up, budget, equipment, expenses, etc. It comes with its own set of challenges that require deliberate and methodical planning. Thus, when you commit to owning a private practice, you have to start thinking of yourself as a business owner, not just a clinician.

Therefore, it is wise to consider buying a franchise when you start a physical therapy business, particularly in the healing arts field. Significantly, partnering with the right franchise eliminates the risk that naturally comes with starting a business. Adapting the tried and tested business model of such ensures rapid growth for your private practice. Having the support of like-minded consultants allows you to focus more on your patients and less on keeping the business afloat.

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the industry for both physiotherapists and their patients. Thus, it has become increasingly challenging for patients to receive the adequate care they need. It is up to brave health practitioners and business owners alike to provide a safe and efficient shelter for their medical needs. This way, anyone who needs the assistance can still receive it despite these trying times.

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